Hey, what happened to Vol. 1, Episodes 1, 2, and 3? Well, they never got written up so you'll just have to deal with Singlespeed Sunday updates starting at Episode 4.
As you can tell by the numbering, singlespeed mountain biking has sort of become a Sunday afternoon thing for me to do. I've been getting out on most Sundays with Josh and rolling out to the Koppenburg climb, through the South Boulder Creek Trail and back home via Baseline Rd. Sometimes we or I will throw in a loop over towards Davidson Mesa or Harper's Lake for good measure.
Today, we headed out the Coal Creek Trail about 7 miles and turned around. With snow falling, we elected to stay off the roads and on trails for safety and the sloppy factor. Pushing through the fresh snow and balancing over the spots where the new snow was covering old ice and frozen tracks proved to be a challenging workout that we didn't need to go find any hills to abuse ourselves with... today. Maybe in March.
I made an earlier reference to my 2010 teams and sponsors in my January 14 video post but hadn't updated the rest of the blog to reflect new sponsors and all. The list this year is a good one and I am looking forward to putting it all together.
For the mountain bike season, I'll be racing with the guys from ALL MTN Racing and we've picked up Bicycle Outfitters up in Evergreen as our shop sponsor. Most of us will be riding Gary Fishers and a few will be on Niners. I'm excited to give 29'ers a go since I've been running a 69'er setup on my singlespeed for three years now and spent a season on Trek's 69'er Top Fuel. We have kept WTB for our tires, wheels, saddles and grips and added Honey Stinger for energy gels, bars, chews and other food needs and also added Rudy Project to the list as well.
For the cyclocross season, I'm planning on riding with the Boulder Cycle Sport crowd again.